Basic Life Support (BLS) for the Health Care Provider

This course is certified by the Irish Heart Foundation and the American Heart Association.

This Course is designed for Healthcare providers such as Nurses, Physicians, EMT's and allied health care professionals as well as First Responders who require a high level of BLS Training.
Course Objectives
To train candidates in the provision of Adult CPR, Paediatric, and Infant CPR, relief of Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO) in Adults, Paediatrics and Infants as well as the safe operation of AED's (Defibrillators)
Adult CPR
Adult FBAO
Paediatric CPR
Paediatric FBAO
Infant CPR
Infant FBAO
2 Person Adult CPR
2 Person Infant CPR
Automated External Defibrillation
Pulse Points
Expired Air Ventilations
Use of BVM's (Ambu Bags)

Max candidates 6 per instructor
5 hours
The Instructor on this course will be an Experienced EMT/Paramedic and a certified BLS Instructor with the Irish Heart Foundation and the American Heart Association.
Candidates are required to complete both written and skills evaluations. A score of 84% of better must be achieved in the written examination.
Irish Heart Foundation/American Heart Association Certificate.
IHF/AHA Basic Life Support for the Healthcare Provider

Irish Heart Foundation Resuscitation Guide
Enquire Now
Email us :
TeL: (021) 4508588


Irish Heart Foundation Fetac Certification
Occupational First Aid Occupational First Aid